On January 25, 2024, at the Kochi PEDICON event, a significant milestone was reached for women pediatricians dedicated to the health of female children in India. Amidst the busy halls and engaging discussions, a profound initiative took shape as pioneering women pediatricians came together to establish the National Women Pediatricians Forum (WPF) on July 30, 2022. This historic moment not only marked the birth of an organization but also signaled the beginning of a new era focused on collaboration, empowerment, and advocacy in pediatric healthcare across India. At its heart, the WPF aims to inspire women members to actively participate in its leadership at all levels. The forum seeks to encourage women to take an executive roles within the organization, fostering a sense of ownership and involvement. Additionally, issues like legal matters, managing the balance between work and home responsibilities, and career establishment apart from academic activities, WPF is highly committed to solving these issues on priority.
By providing support and guidance in these areas, the WPF strives to empower women pediatricians to overcome challenges and thrive in their professional and personal lives. One of the key objectives of the WPF is to promote camaraderie and establish a strong presence within the organization through regular meetings and interactions. The forum aims to create a supportive environment where women pediatricians can connect, share experiences, and offer mutual encouragement. In addition to its internal goals, the WPF is committed to solving social causes, particularly those related to girls. The forum focuses on issues impacting the well-being of girls, including academic activities and broader societal challenges.
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