
Now we have come up with new features and change in name from IAP WW to WOMEN PEDIATRICIANS FORUM. We have formed society with this name .Now We have started fees of membership for better growth, better communication And best opportunities for empowerment inclusively without any hallmark of bias .We all are empowered ,crossing many barriers of success .. under the able guidance of our legendries Senior peds. Humble request to all Pls….

*E*nrich the group .. *E*xpand the group .. *E*xplore opportunities ..


To focus on issues related to girl child apart from academic activities. To motivate women members to take active role and to collaborate with local organisation to the...

to Showcase Local Impact of our projects. To empower adolescent girls on challenges and to create awareness on issues like female foeticide, abuse and neglect and child rights.To address issues specifically related to Women pediatricians - legal issues, managing work place and home, balancing career, academics and participating in national forums. Representation of women pediatricians in panels and groups which decides on girl children and adolescent related issues.


Our mission will be reaching “Unreached through our various community and school health programs.” Our team is ready to support each other for all community health work and school health programs as well..

We assure that we will follow all the by -laws , and constitutional changes if needed. We are coming up with “Official Publication of Women Pediatricians Forum” Which will be a quarterly magazine. Our separate team is work on that . Our regular webinars, educative online clinics , will be done time to time through Virtual platform of ZOOM - WPF official platform. We are planning to conduct old important Modules which has been prepared by WOMEN PEDIATRICIANS


To focus on issues related to girl child apart from academic activities.To motivate women members to take active role and to collaborate with local organisation to Showcase Local Impact of our projects. To empower adolescent girls on challenges and to create awareness on issues like female foeticide, abuse and neglect and child rights.To address issues specifically related to Women pediatricians – legal issues, managing work place and home, balancing career, academics and participating in national forums. Representation of women pediatricians in panels and groups which decides on girl children and adolescent related issues.


Our mission will be reaching “Unreached through our various community and school health programs.” Our team is ready to support each other for all community health work and school health programs as well. We assure that we will follow all the by -laws , and constitutional changes if needed. We are coming up with “Official Publication of Women Pediatricians Forum” Which will be a quarterly magazine. Our separate team is work on that . Our regular webinars, educative online clinics , will be done time to time through Virtual platform of ZOOM – WPF official platform. We are planning to conduct old important Modules which has been prepared by WOMEN PEDIATRICIANS.

Core Values



Recognizing and expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of life, including the contributions and achievements of others.



Embracing opportunities for growth, learning, and development, continuously striving to overcome limitations and expand one’s potential.



Being open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, adapting to evolving circumstances and embracing growth and transformation.



Working hard, persistently, and conscientiously to achieve goals, complete tasks, and fulfill responsibilities.



Encouraging and supporting others to achieve their goals, fostering a sense of confidence and self-reliance.

Core Values

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